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pagar tanaman bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pagar tanaman"
  • pagar:    barrier; fence; fencing; guardrail; handrail;
  • tanaman:    herb; phat; plant; crops; crop; cactus; flora;
  • tanaman pagar:    hedge
  • pagar:    barrier; fence; fencing; guardrail; handrail; railing; budgetlandscapes|sandbox; rail; fencing material; rail in; hurdle; sharp sign; hedgerow; gate; square; hedge
  • tanaman:    herb; phat; plant; crops; crop; cactus; flora; garden plant; plant life; plants
  • besi-pagar:    fence bar
  • diagram pagar:    fence diagram
  • efek pagar:    fence effect
  • jarak pagar:    jatropha curcas
  • kangkung pagar:    ipomoea carnea
  • melangkahi pagar:    clear a fence; clearing a fence
  • pagar api:    fire screen; wire screen
  • pagar batu:    stone fence
  • pagar betis:    abatis; abattis
  • pagar desa:    home guard
  • I understand, Ms. lauler.
    Aku mengerti, Miss Lauler... Dan aku tidak ingin pagar tanaman lebat.
  • She saw him go through the hedge and followed him.
    Dia melihat dia melewati pagar tanaman dan mengikutinya.
  • You are supposed to jump through the hedge with the horse.
    Kau seharusnya melompati pagar tanaman dengan kudamu.
  • Daddy wouldn't approve of those hedges.
    Oh, ayah tidak akan menyetujui pagar tanaman itu.
  • Other side of that hedge.
    Di sisi lain pagar tanaman itu.
  • It's going through the hedge.
    Ini akan melalui pagar tanaman.
  • Big backyards, fenced, some hedges.
    Luas, berpagar, ada pagar tanaman.
  • Steel Punched Green Painted T Post Contact Now
    pos pagar tanaman logam dicat hijau bertabur T pos Hubungi sekarang
  • Get in the hedge.
    Masuk lewat pagar tanaman.
  • Farm fence metal posts green painted studded T post Contact Now
    pos pagar tanaman logam dicat hijau bertabur T pos Hubungi sekarang
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2